支持“阻止 Elara”运动
什么是 Elara 项目
让社区了解 Elara 的影响对于我们的使命至关重要。通过提高人们的认识,我们让每个人都能认识到 Elara 的有害影响并采取行动。
Why we are against Elara
The proposed Elara Project by Affirmed Housing in the unincorporated county area raises significant concerns about the safety and quality of life in our community. With only 23 parking spaces allocated for 95 units, the project is likely to exacerbate traffic congestion, pose safety risks, and contribute to environmental challenges. Additionally, 45 of these units are designated for homeless individuals facing mental health and substance abuse challenges. While we wholeheartedly support efforts to assist these vulnerable populations, the project lacks the necessary infrastructure to ensure both their well-being and the safety of the broader community.
关于“停止 Elara”运动
加利福尼亚州圣盖博谷的“阻止 Elara”运动致力于传播意识、促进社区支持和组织有影响力的活动来阻止 Elara 项目。我们的主要目标是通过团结人们并建立一个强大的、直言不讳的社区来反对他们的议程,从而阻止 Affirmed Housing 的负面影响。